A . Prince Consulting (APC) offers practical ‘hands-on’ experience and expertise in all facets of waste management and resource recovery. We have worked with over 350 clients delivering more than 1000 projects nationally over the past 24 years.
We are rated as Australia’s best waste consultancy in data management and auditing as voted by our clients in the 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2020 Inside Waste Consultants Review.
APC has a team of professionals with complementary skills to ensure that the objectives of any project can be met in a timely, cost effective and professional manner. Our team has been employed in local, state and federal government, industry and community sectors, both in Australia and globally and deliver world best practice waste management strategies and resource recovery solutions throughout Australia.
Our commercially experienced, professional team can deliver on our key areas:
Waste Characterisation Audits

Our Founder, Anne Prince pioneered waste auditing in 1993 and today we are the leading waste auditing and characterisation consultancy in Australia. We have completed more than 400 solid-waste audits covering domestic, commercial, special event, public place, litter, landfill, transfer station, MRF and AWT feedstock audits in metropolitan, regional, rural and remote areas throughout Australia and in the UK.
We conduct unique waste characterisation assessments for clients, including particle size distribution and moisture testing key considerations in AWT, as well as waste-to-energy feedstock assessments. We employ a Statistician to provide data quality assurance We hold the largest national domestic waste composition database in Australia and the only
time–series data set covering the past 16 years. We can provide trend data and undertake
performance benchmarking.
We employ a Statistician to provide data quality assurance and hold the largest national domestic waste composition database in Australia.
Waste Management Plans & Strategies 
We have developed strategic waste management plans for communities and councils, as well as specific plans targeting the domestic, C&I and C&D waste streams nationally. APC has a proven track record in developing and implementing innovative, pragmatic and sustainable approaches to waste management. Our combined team has delivered world best practice waste management strategies and resource-recovery solutions throughout Australia.
We aim to develop the most politically acceptable, socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally sustainable outcomes for current and future generations.
Community Consultation & Stakeholder Engagement
A cornerstone of our approach and what differentiates us in the waste management industry, is the extensive community consultation and stakeholder engagement to fully understand, appreciate and negotiate desired outcomes. We facilitate workshops, forums, focus groups and public meetings on a wide range of issues. Market research is undertaken using surveys designed and approved by our statistician. We believe that engagement is key to gaining support and detailed understanding to drive innovative and pragmatic solutions to waste management issues.
We have the ability to translate complex, controversial and politically sensitive issues into information that is simple and easy to understand.
Resource Recovery & AWT Options Assessments
APC’s staff have designed and facilitated the introduction of recycling programs for households, workplaces, public places and special events. We have an understanding and appreciation of the various waste treatment technologies and their capabilities for the Australian market. APC has been involved in the development of feasibility assessments, the preparation of tender documents and the assessment of AWT and thermal technologies. We have undertaken waste characterisation studies, moisture testing, size composition studies for AWTs and calorific value assessments of waste for energy from waste (EfW) thermal treatment facilities.
We understand the economic, environmental and political drivers that make recycling work.
Operational and Infrastructure Assessments 
APC provides specialist waste asset management services, including audits of council bins, facilities and vehicles to assist with effective assetmanagement and planning. We have undertaken a range of operational reviews including assisting public and private sector and their contractors by providing an independent review of current waste and recycling services and infrastructure including collection vehicles, bins numbers, size and service frequency, processing and sorting equipment, training needs and educational resources. We have assessed current waste streams and through a cost benefit demonstrated economic and environmental savings.
Our experience in the verification and accuracy of databases for council rates and bin infrastructure has provided certainty and contract specification assurance to our clients when planning for waste management infrastructure and budgets for their communities. The provision of such data also allows for contractors to accurately quote and specify costs in tender responses, saving councils money.
We provide independent review of current services and infrastructure.
Tendering Services
We have extensive experience in the development, assessment, and oversight of domestic, commercial, public-place and facility waste collection and processing contracts. We act as an independent assessor on tender evaluation panels for collection contracts and AWT technologies, and have written tender documents for government and private-sector clients.
We act for the client who is either going to tender or the respondent — never both at the same time.
Education and Training
APC can develop education materials or training packages to suit the needs of individual councils or corporate clients. We work closely with our clients to ensure the right messages and information are conveyed and tailor our programs to suit for example community, schools, industry, staff, elected members or management. We facilitate workshops, forums, focus groups and public meetings on wide range of issues.
We work closely with our clients to ensure the right messages and information are conveyed simply and effectively.
Carbon Management
APC has assisted numerous government and private sector clients to not only determine and understand their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) profiles and liabilities, but also the mitigation strategies, adaptation measures and management plans available to manage their liability.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions can be calculated as part of APC’s recommendations for waste strategies and recycling plans. They enable the client to see the direct impact of the recommended measures for waste avoidance and diversion from landfill on their carbon footprint. Different scenarios of waste reduction projections can be compared with their respective saved GHG emissions to facilitate decisions on the most appropriate waste strategy.
These actions have gained importance with the launch of NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan. In a stage 1 (2020-2030) the Plan aims to deliver a 50% cut in emissions by 2030 compared to 2005 levels as the first step to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. APC is able to support public and private sector clients agencies in achieving resource efficiency and renewable energy generation in buildings and embed environmental sustainability in government procurement practices. A sustainability strategy with a tailored step-by-step carbon abatement action plan will help achieve your operational and community emission reduction targets. Together with our experienced team, your organisation will demonstrate government leadership accelerating the transition to Net Zero.
APC provides a full range of carbon management, emissions assessment, compliance and policy advice for clients.
Australian Packaging Covenant Compliance
We have an intimate knowledge of the Australian Packaging Covenant and its compliance requirements and offer technical support and assistance to ensure signatories meet their obligations under the current Covenant and negate any issues surrounding signatory compliance. We assist clients to develop Action Plans, prepare Annual Reports, adopt the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG), undertake packaging reviews and provide technical advice on the recyclability of packaging.
APC assists organisations of all sizes and in all industry sectors, tailoring our assistance to suit your company and the needs of the Australian Packaging Covenant.
Product Stewardship & Supply Chain Sustainability
Our staff at APC have long-term experience in assessing product stewardship and supply chain situations across a range of industries and products. We provide technical assistance for decision-making and to support strategic planning for environmental and business improvements related to design, sourcing, operations, products and their ‘end of life’ management. We have assisted businesses with design and implementation of management systems to support a broad range of applications, including labelling, environmental assessment of packaging and environmental management at International Standards Organisation (ISO) level.
We provide technical assistance and support strategic planning for environmental and business improvement.
Indigenous Waste Management Solutions
APC has pioneered work in Indigenous communities endeavouring to leave a lasting legacy of sustainable waste management for present and future generations. We have undertaken cross-cultural training to be both sensitive and aware of the cultural and social issues when working with Indigenous communities. APC has spent four years designing, developing, implementing and monitoring improved waste management practices with 14 Indigenous communities in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY Lands) and on Warraber Island in Torres Strait.
Waste management must be considered in the same context as water, power and sewerage supply – that is, as an essential service.
Remote & Island Waste Management Solutions
While much progress has been made in many areas of outback and island life, waste in many localities is still managed as it has been since the early 1900s. APC has pioneered work in remote and Island communities and has a proven track record of delivering world best practice outcomes, having overseen the development, planning and implementation of waste management strategies, plans and programs in some of Australia’s most challenging and iconic remote and isolated areas, including World Heritage-listed Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island as well as Rottnest, Kangaroo, Hamilton Islands and the Ningaloo reef coastline.
The challenges of overcoming the tyranny of distance and economies of scale is surpassed by the opportunities to make real difference to these locations.